Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class
We will learn about how to prepare our bodies through various movements and stretches, different positions that will help move baby through the pelvis in labor, and how to help identify the position of the baby.
Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class highlights your baby’s active role in birth.
During labor the baby needs to pass through the three levels of the pelvis. Learn techniques to help your pelvis and it’s muscles that support or restrict your pelvic levels. Together, you and your birth partner can use these techniques before and during labor to help “make room for baby!” Spinning Babies reveals how the baby can find optimal positions for labor, and make birth less painful, and even pleasurable!
This class is for expectant parents only.
Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class with a Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator
Comfort now and ease in birth
Essential daily activities
Balance tight birth muscles to let baby into position now
Learn birth positions to open the pelvis
Bring a birth partner and learn to do this together
Babies “spin” to move through the pelvis
Class participants will receive a small diameter ball to and a digital copy of the Daily Essentials to continue what they learn in the class at home.
Group classes are limited to 4 Couples, Discounts available for BIPOC Folks and doula clients, send an email to suppserenity@gmail.com for code.
Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm
COST: $150 per couple
PLACE: Burr Ridge Birth Center
7000 S County Line Rd, Burr Ridge, IL 60527